The LIC Human Resources Committee Meeting is a chance for HR executives from small-to-midsize life insurance companies and fraternals, and relevant service providers, to get together in a unique peer networking meeting. Join us to learn, share your thoughts, and get feedback from others involved in smaller-company human resources.
The meeting brings together 15-20 small-to-midsize life insurance company representatives and relevant vendors.
The itinerary begins at 2 pm on Wednesday, March 6 with attendee introductions and discussion before heading out to a hosted networking dinner. Thursday March 7 we'll meet in the morning for presentations/discussion, and wrap up the program with lunch ending at 12:30 pm.
Discussion topics will be submitted by registrants. Past meeting discussion topics have included Compensation/Benefits, Employee Management/Engagement, Talent Acquisition, and Remote Work.
Who Can Attend
The meeting is open to insurance company executives, with a discounted registration fee for LIC members, group discounts, and a discount for fraternal members of the American Fraternal Alliance. Affiliate Members/Vendors must sponsor the meeting in order to attend (see LIC sponsorship opportunities).
Remote Option Available
Registration can be either in person or remote. Registration fees and discounts are the same - simply select your option in the registration form.