We're here to help!
If you've got a question, we've got the answer! Check out our list of contacts below that will help answer your questions or provide more information.
If you've got a question, we've got the answer! Check out our list of contacts below that will help answer your questions or provide more information.
6190 Powers Ferry Road
Suite 600
Atlanta, GA 30339
To ask about an invoice or billing related to LOMA products ordered (except Professional Development Program materials):
LOMA Accounts Payable: 770-984-3702
LOMA Accounts Receivable: 770-984-3706 or 770-984-3750
For questions regarding LOMA membership and member company dues:
Phone: 770-984-3744
Email: members@loma.org
Email: intlmembership@loma.org for international inquiries
Phone: 770-984-6446
Email: insops@loma.org
To change your contact information for specific mailing lists or LOMA services:
Office of the Registrar:
Phone: 770-984-3761
Fax: 770-984-6415
Email: education@loma.org
Customer Service — Professional Development (enrollments, credits, etc.)
Phone: 770-951-1770 (option 1)
For help with LOMA's learning system, contact the Help Desk:
Phone: 770-984-3782
Email: education@loma.org
For training products:
Phone: 770-984-3761
Fax: 770-984-6415
Email: education@loma.org
Marie LaVigne, LLIF, FLMI, PCS
Director, International
Phone: 770-984-3743
WhatsApp: 860-218-4822
Email: lavignem@loma.org
Laura Goin, ALMI, ASRI, ACS
Senior Global Operations Analyst
Phone: 770-984-3740
Email: lgoin@loma.org
Bo Lee
Coordinator, International Member Services
Korea, Japan, Europe/Middle East/Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam
Phone: 770-984-6430
Email: blee@loma.org
Edwin Si
Managing Director
Phone: +86 137 0197 6929
Email: esi@limra.com
Henry Chen
Membership and Administration Specialist
Phone: +86 181 0120 8297
Email: hchen@limra.com
May (Yang) Lu
LOMA Distribution Director
Phone: +86 186 1003 3431
Email: ylu@loma.org
Lily Nan Zang
Member Services Representative
Mobile: +86 13655889642
Email: lnanzang@loma.org
Premraj Thuraisingam
Senior Managing Director and Business Head, Southeast Asia
Phone: +65 96353619
Email: PThuraisingam@limra.com
Tan Eng Bee
Director, LOMA Malaysia
Phone: +6012 306 3899
Email: tan@loma.org
Dr. Emira Oepangat
Managing Director, Indonesia
Phone: +628119294221
Email: eoepangat@loma.org
Surapon Thongtoonsab
Managing Director, Indochina
Phone: +66 817538567
Email: sthongtoonsab@limra.com
Bosco Lau
Senior Managing Director and Business Head, North Asia
Phone: +852 902 600 38
Email: blau@limra.com
Jonathan Law PhD, MBA, CLU, FLMI
Managing Director, LOMA Hong Kong
Phone: +852 970 717 03
Email: jlaw@limra.com
Yoshihiro Hoshino
Senior Managing Director and Business Head, Japan
Phone : +080 9291 5850
Email: yhoshino@limra.com
Jerry (Taeje) Woo
Managing Director, Korea
Mobile: +82 10 8140 6890
Office: +82 (2) 3482 1959
Email: jwoo@limra.com
Augustus (Joe) Ferreria
Managing Director, Philippines
Phone: +63 917 848 5820
Email: aferreria@limra.com
Sean Lin
Managing Director, Taiwan
Phone: +886 9393 66661
Email: slin@limra.com
Philip Moore, MBA, BA, ALMI, ACS, MIC
Managing Director, EMEA
Phone: + 44 (0) 1462 813020
Mobile: + 44 (0) 7860 895303
Email: pmoore@limra.com
Manolis Kyriacou FLMI, CLU, ChFC
Managing Director, Greece & Cyprus
Phone: +357 22 457 227
Mobile: +357 99 631 768
Email: mkyriacou@limra.com
Ashish Kumar
Director, LOMA India
Phone: +91 989 997 7266
Email: Akumar@limra.com
Marcelo Assunção
Senior Managing Director and Business Head, Latin America and the Caribbean
Phone: +55 11 967781085
Email: massuncao@limra.com
Gina M. Castañeda
Director, LAC Member Engagement
Phone: +57 318 395 5138
Email: gcastaneda@limra.com
For Customer Service Support in Spanish:
Pilar Mon
Marketing and Customer Service Coordinator for LATAM and the Caribbean
Phone: +54 9 (11) 4086-4673
Email: pmon@limra.com
Carlos Islas Murguía
Managing Director, Mexico
Phone: + 1 52 553 805 2175
Email: cmurguia@limra.com
Michelle Havelock
Managing Director, Caribbean
Email: mhavelock@limra.com