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A Simulation for Success

Call Center Simulation is a computer-based simulation that accurately pre-screens contact center job applicants. Applicants "test drive" the job, experiencing what it’s really like to operate a call center workstation. They receive a realistic preview of the job; you receive a realistic preview of their abilities.

During the simulation, applicants experience a series of in-bound customer calls similar to those they’ll handle on a daily basis. Applicants must demonstrate keyboard and navigation skills along with identifying the most effective responses to service and sales situations.

Call Center Simulation measures:

  • Ability to learn and apply procedures
  • Ability to develop customer rapport
  • Ability to discover customer needs
  • Ability to problem-solve and respond to customer needs
  • Sales orientation
  • Teamwork
  • Multitasking


Currently available in the United States, Canada, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Please contact us if it is not already available in your country.

Call Center Simulation is a trademark of Employment Technologies Corporation.

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