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I’ve heard that LIMRA and LOMA are using a new exam platform, but it doesn’t look like anything has changed for me. Is something wrong?

Nothing is wrong, but you may need to clear your cache in order for exams to be delivered by the new system. To clear your cache, press Ctrl-Shift-Delete.

How can I check if my system will work correctly?

To test your system and network’s compatibility, you can self-enroll in a diagnostic sample course for free. Navigate to and search for the diagnostic course you need:

Diagnostic Course

This diagnostic course will test system and network compatibility with the following LOMA courses:

DC 100

LOMA 311, LOMA 335, LOMA 357, LOMA 361, and LOMA 371

DC 101

ACS 101, AIRC 411, LOMA 200, LOMA 281, LOMA 291, LOMA 302, LOMA 308, LOMA 321, SRI 111, SRI 121, SRI 131, and SRI 240.

     *Please note, not all of these courses exist in all languages.

Follow these easy steps to test your system:

  1. Once you’ve successfully enrolled in the course, you can launch it and choose Start.

  2. Choose the first exam. Pass it successfully. Select the Return to Course button and check that the first exam is grayed out with a green check mark to signal that it has been successfully completed.

  3. Choose the second exam. Pass it successfully. Choose the Return to Course Check that the second exam is also grayed out with a green check mark to signal that it has been successfully completed.

  4. After completing both exams and returning to the course, you will receive the following message: “Congratulations! You completed the course!

  5. In the LMS, on your student account, choose Transcripts/Designations to verify that the course is marked as completed.

If the course does not work as described, please contact the Contact Center at for help with troubleshooting.

I just accessed the End of Lesson or End of Module questions for a course, and they look different. Was there a change?

Yes, we are now using the same system we use to deliver proctored exams to deliver self-proctored exams. The exams are intuitive to navigate. Just be sure to choose the “Return to Course” button when you have completed the exam to be redirected to the main course page.

How can I review feedback on the Practice Questions/End of Lesson questions or the Sample Exam?

You can review feedback after submitting your assessment. After you “Submit Exam,” a summary Assessment Feedback screen will be displayed showing Topics and Scores. Click on “Next Question” and you will be able to review each question along with the feedback related to the answer choice you selected. You can also use the Assessment Navigator to select specific questions for review.

How will I know if I got a Practice Question correct?

On the Assessment Feedback page, you can use the “Assessment Navigator” located on the right to identify the correctly answered questions, which will be highlighted in green. You will also see 1 out of 1 at the top of the feedback for questions that are correctly answered.

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