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MarketFacts Best of 2022

Best of 2022

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Imagining the Future of Insurance Technology

Envision the tech and trends that will shape the future of insurance, and explore three strides you can take toward that future.

President's Page - Life by the Numbers: Reaching Out to the Underserved

How can the industry find efficient ways to reach underserved populations with life insurance? Dave Levenson, President and CEO of LIMRA and LOMA, shares insights.

The Power of Purpose

Explore how the power of purpose can transform your personal and professional experience. Start with this these tips for adopting a purposeful strategy.

Safeguarding Health and Wealth in Uncertain Times

Right now, life insurers have an opportunity to change just as consumer priorities are evolving. How can companies commit to safeguarding health and wealth?

The Human-Tech Connection

Current LIMRA research indicates that reaching today’s financial services consumer means maintaining a balance between advisor interaction and technological innovation.

Workplace Benefits: Weapons in the War for Talent

Competing in the war for talent is tough. Explore the impact of your benefits package on employee hiring, retention, satisfaction, and loyalty.

Protection Products Driving the Future of Annuities

This holistic view of the individual annuity market factors in riders, and assesses sales based on the investment objectives of accumulation, protection, and income.

Rising Interest Rates: Consumer Woes and Investor Wins

While rising interest rates mean higher rates on credit cards, mortgages, and loans, they also translate to attractive yields and guarantees for investment products. How will this dynamic affect the annuity industry?

Social Media and the Life Insurance Shopper

Consumers use the internet to shop, assess quotes, and purchase life insurance. A relevant social media presence can close the gap with procrastinating or confused consumers.

Aligning With the New Dynamic of Workforce Benefits

To compete effectively in the new work world, organizations must align their value propositions to the new dynamic in marketing and distribution of workforce benefits.

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