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LIC CEO Winter Forum

CEO Networking: Shared Challenges, Practical Solutions

2/6/2024 - 2/7/2024
The Westgate Hotel San Diego, San Diego, CA


Who Attends

 Reserved for insurance company and fraternal CEOs and presidents


Community Engagement Opportunity:
San Diego Food Bank

Click for Details

The LIC CEO Forum is a great chance for chief executives from small to midsize life insurance companies and fraternals to get together in a unique peer networking meeting. 

The itinerary will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, February 6, followed by an afternoon outing and dinner, and meeting sessions from 8:00 a.m. - 11 a.m. on Wednesday, February 7. In addition to featured presentations, we'll have plenty of facilitated discussion on topics submitted by participants, such as:

  • Investment Strategies in the Current Economic Environment
  • Remote Work Structures That Work
  • Leadership Development & Employee Engagement
  • Industry Challenges & Opportunities for Small to Midsize Company Leaders

CEOs are encouraged to stay and sign up for the LIC Annual Conference February 7 - 9 at the same location. All paid CEO Forum participants are eligible for a $250 discount on the Annual Conference! (When registering for the Annual Conference, use promo code CEO250.) 


Contact Ashlee Harris-Morris for more information: or (770) 520-7004



Insurance Companies and Fraternals
The LIC CEO Forum is open to CEOs/Presidents of legal reserve insurance companies and fraternal organizations.

LIC Member: $590
LOMA and/or LIMRA Member: $790
Nonmember: $890

Earlybird Discount: Sign up by January 11, 2024 to save $100 off the above fees!

Spouse Fee: $99 (includes Board/CEO outing and dinner)

Annual Conference Discount: If you have paid the registration fee for the CEO Forum you are eligible for $250 off registration for the LIC Annual Conference that follows it on February 7-9 at the same location. Use promo code CEO250 in your Annual Conference registration.

Attention Fraternals: Fraternal organizations that belong to the American Fraternal Alliance are eligible for a discount of $150 sponsored by the AFA, by using the promo code AFAMEMBER. (Discount may be used only once per person, for either the Annual Meeting or the CEO Forum.)

Affiliate Members/Service Providers
The CEO Forum is the only LIC Committee Meeting not open to sponsors or vendors/service providers. We encourage you to check out other LIC events.

Hotel / Venue


Westgate Hotel
1055 Second Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101

Please see the LIC Annual Conference Hotel/Venue tab for additional information.

Sponsored By

Thank you to the following for sponsoring the LIC CEO Forum!


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